2 thoughts on “Moments in Time (web version)

  1. Yes, what a wonderful world that Wah Yan has given to its students. I was a working class boy made good by the idea that I was a Wah Yan boy and Wah Yan boys don’t cry and certainly they don’t let the team down. This Wah Yan ‘spirit’ which the clip has mentioned had nourished me in my formative years and sustained me throughout my years of struggles against all odds to establish myself and build my career as an academic in Australia. I have often wondered whether I could lift myself out of an ordinary existence without the ‘spiritual’ support which my Wah Yan background has given me. The clip has confirmed that I couldn’t. I enjoyed watching the clip and I thank and congradulate my Ontario Wah Yan Alumni for all the fond memories of my Alma Mater. May the ‘spirit’ of Wah Yan continue to motivate future generations of Wah Yan boys to achieve greater heights that they are capable of.

  2. I appreciate this video. It reminded me not only how extremely fortunate it was that I was one of those who were given the chance to study all 6 years at Wah Yan, but that my elders who taught us there did so with such unblemished integrity! Like many classmates, I had feared and respected the Jesuit fathers and teachers as “the Authority.” But older and wiser now, I’ve come to perceive the extent of their personal sacrifices and humility, and their unblemished integrity. I bow to all my teachers. I wish that the Wah Yan spirit continues to be upheld, un-weakened, for generations to come teaching our young their responsibility to each other, to our society, to the world.

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